Goodbye Diana!
Title: Goodbye Diana
Author: Mana
Rating: PG
Keywords: MSR
Spoilers: Lessee...The Sixth Extinction:Amor Fati
Summary: the title.
Authors notes:I really just love saying those 2 words don't you?? GOODBYE DIANA! lol
Feedback: Oh yes please!!!! Everything is good!
Disclaimer: I don't own Mulder and Scully and I don't even want to own Diana Fowley! Ugh! Oh and the other guy...well I don't own him either! They all belong to CC and 1013 oh yea and FOX!
I love him.
That is why I did it, there is no other reason. I love him so much that I had to do what was best for him. That is why I gave her the book. That is why I went to her apartment the day that I had left the operating room and gave her the key to help her find him. That is why I did it. I know now that he loves her. I think that he might still love me, just not in the same way. You can see it in his eyes and hear it in his voice when he talks of her. I just hope that she loves him as well. He wouldn't be able to handle it if she didn't.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. She walked over to it and opened it.
"Diana" he said.
"What are you doing here?" she questioned.
"You betrayed me." he said as he pushed past her into her living room. "How could you do that? I thought you were smarter than that."
"What are you going to do to me?" she asked knowing her fate before she asked him.
He replied by raising a gun to her head.
As she heard the bullet racing out of the barrel her mind wondered to the fact that she had always known, I love you Fox.
Then everything went black.
The man turned and exited the building. When he got to the end of her hallway he lit the cigarette and muttered "Goodbye Diana."
End Notes: I know, I know, Not the best fanfic ever but I had to get that out. I really did believe that Diana might have still loved him but....Too bad for her. Oh well..... Now its feedback time! Just in case you forgot the address its
Hope you enjoyed! Bye!